LONDON –SWISS WINTER 2019 HOLIDAY 26 NOV- 6 DEC 2019 My year-end holiday finally has arrived. Started with 1 day London stay followed by 5 days/ 4 nights Switzerland trip and back to London, my favourite city for another 4 days before returning to Kuala Lumpur. Total duration of journey around 11 days (including 2 days of travelling in the flight). The journey started on the 26 November 2019 afternoon and taking the midnight flight to London . I arrived in London around 6am, and started my whole day program in London. 4 of us as travel buddies in Switzerland and solo traveler in London. Gornegrat , Switzerland Breakfast Morning Lunch Afternoon Evening Hotel 26/11 D1 Kch-KL Dinner @ Plaza Premium KLIA KL-LHR 27/11 D2 Arrived LHR LHR-King Cross(Hotel) Breakfast at Pret@Stephen Street River Thames Cruises St Thomas Ho...